Inspire Chiropractic & Wellness Studio Reviews

What Our Kamloops Patients Say
At Inspire Chiropractic & Wellness Studio we love when patients share with us their feedback and comments after chiropractic care. Please read our patient testimonials below to see what other people have achieved through their tailored treatment plans with us.
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For more information, or to schedule an appointment contact us today.
Almost No Shoulder Pain
Almost no shoulder pain and almost full use and mobility of shoulder/arm. Reduced back and hip pain. More overall freedom and mobility.
I am able to participate in activities I was previously unable to and am not living in constant pain… it’s worth a try even if you don’t think it’s anything a chiropractor can fix.
– Amanda
More Relaxed and Happy
After our first visit my son slept for 6 hours straight in his bed which was 5 hours and 34 minutes longer than he ever had before. He became more relaxed and happy instantly.
– Brandy
Great Place to Bring Your Family
Three months ago, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. It was a very quick labour and he could have sustained a lot more injury than he did. He only required a small adjustment when we brought him in at two days old. I credit Inspire for that and for taking such great care of me during my pregnancy. I had less pelvic and sciatica pain during my 2nd pregnancy under Dr. Lisa’s care.
Inspire Chiropractic & Wellness Studio is a great place to bring your family. Drs. Lisa and Rob are amazing and offer a wealth of information! I also love the complimentary workshops and programs they offer. My body bounces back from injures quicker now that I receive regular chiropractic care.
– Erin J.
Knowledgeable and Professional
I’m generally happier, better grounded with less neck tension. Since the age of 7 – I am now 71 – I have experienced many allergies for which histamine shots were needed. When pregnant, allergies became extreme, walking on grass or just sitting outside was not enjoyable. This year, WITHOUT histamines, I have enjoyed yard work as no allergic symptoms have raised their ugly heads!
Do try Inspire as a full assessment is performed with you, followed up with discussion and a care plan. No pressure to participate! Doctors are very knowledgeable and professional, yet friendly as are all the staff. Care is adjusted as needed. I encourage you to go to Inspire and check it out for yourself.
– Ginnie N.
Caring Professionals
Realizing how we live and train our bodies to be dysfunctional, but they can come back to complete balance and health. It just takes time and confidence in yourself and assistance from a trained and caring professional.
– Judy C.
No More Pain Pills
No more pain pills, the probiotics are amazing and stress level under control. Do it as soon as possible! You will not be sorry. Change your health and lifestyle today!
– Linda B.
Amazing Care
My neck and back issues have become virtually non-existent; I have not had sciatic or hamstring pain for over a month now. I have been able to get back to pushing myself full-sprint on the sports field, without issue, and recovery afterwards is quite quick. Although my intentions are there to also get back into a braider workout routine, including flexibility, cardio, and strength components, I still haven’t gotten there yet- and so, I know that virtually all of my improvements over the past few months are a result of the amazing care I have been receiving from Dr. Lisa.
– Mark M.
100% Improvement
Since being in regular care at Inspire Chiropractic & Wellness Studio, my quality of life has improved 100%! My ability to process stressful situations has allowed me a peace I haven’t known in ages. I have no joint pain and my energy levels have even increased! I am eternally thankful to Dr. Lisa.
– Stephanie H.
I Have my Energy Back
Prior to commencing my treatment plan with Dr Lisa, I was feeling physically unwell and not my normal, happy self. I was lethargic and unmotivated but kept telling myself it was normal to feel like this as a first-time mum, and an older one to boot!
I had a constant ache at the base of my skull that I had accepted as the norm, I was not sleeping well and had many other small medical problems that, all together, were starting to concern me.
My then 18-month-old daughter was not sleeping well; she would sleep a maximum of 4-5 hours a night. She was constantly and purposefully hitting her head, which was dreadful to watch and hear the resulting sound! Plus she also had rashes that I could not get rid of.
Read More About Isabella’s Experience
Now after 12 months of consistent treatments (sticking to the treatment plans as much as possible), we are both feeling great and no longer suffer from our ailments that brought us to Inspire. My husband has also noticed the difference in us and is very appreciative.
Visiting the office is always such a treat! We feel like family and are always welcomed with warm greetings and smiles. Hannah and Marisa are friendly and professional, and always helpful. Plus they and Ria do a fabulous job of watching my very energetic daughter while I have my treatment!
Dr. Rob and Dr. Lisa are warm, friendly and approachable. No matter how busy Dr. Lisa is, she always gives you 100% of her attention. Her treatment goes above and beyond. She is genuinely engaged in your health and well-being. You definitely feel like you’re on the journey to wellness with loads of support!
I highly recommend Inspire Chiropractic and Wellness Studio to anyone who is seeking an alternative health therapy that is non-invasive, gentle and treats the whole body and problems not just the symptoms.
– Isabella S.
I Cannot Believe the Changes Already
In July 2014 I had a serious fall, landing on the hard cement. Unbeknownst to me the seriousness of the situation, I tried to continue with my daily activities and 5 km walks which resulted in excruciating pain in my feet, especially the ankles. For the next two weeks the pain became worse, resulting in fewer activities, and less distance walked until one day I couldn’t walk at all any more. One day I was a healthy, active 42 year old and the next I was in a wheel chair unable to walk! I shuddered at the thought of walking barefoot across the thick padded carpet, and spent most of the days lying on my bed with constant ice packs to combat the burning pain which seemed to consume my feet. Each and every step was agony! Burning, stabbing, sharp, pulling, electrical pains in all different areas of the feet!
Read More About Dawn’s Experience
I began seeing Dr. Lisa two months ago and I cannot believe the changes already! Within two days of my very first adjustment, I could feel a difference. The changes were small, but very definite, and it gives me hope that one day soon I will be pain free. The feeling of swelling in my calves has reduced significantly allowing me to once again bend my legs easily, or cross them as I sit on the floor. On the fourth day I felt my ankle crack as I was walking, and as funny as that sounds, I was elated! I hadn’t heard or felt my ankles crack in 8 months! I am able to walk further distances at one time, as well as stay on my feet for longer durations before I have to rest them. The other day I went to roll over in bed and did this quick little flip action when I realized that I had not moved that easily in as long as I could remember! I realized then that Dr. Lisa is having a positive effect on my entire body, not just my feet. I am so very grateful for finding Dr. Lisa and Inspire Chiropractic & Wellness Studio! I have hope that with consistency and commitment on my part, and the knowledge, experience and expertise on Dr. Lisa’s part I will make a full recovery in time. Dr. Lisa and her staff make you feel welcome and comfortable and I would encourage all to come and meet with Dr. Lisa to see what great things she can do to help improve the quality of your life as she is doing for mine!
– Dawn P.
I Love Inspire Chiropractic & Wellness Studio
When I came into Inspire Chiropractic & Wellness Studio in February I was suffering from crushed discs in my lower back as well as a very sore neck and hypothyroidism. My pain was annoying but not excruciating, a 9 on a scale of 1-10 and my thyroid had never been regulated since diagnosed 10 years ago. I had never reached out for help with my neck or back but with my thyroid I had visited physicians, specialists, and podiatrists, the results were that we could never regulate or find out why this was happening to me.
In the beginning I was very skeptical of having a chiropractic adjustment but walking into the office I found it to be a very comfortable place. There were amazingly friendly people who worked there and who were also very knowledgeable and it felt like you all cared! In the first couple of months with Dr. Rob my lower back pain was almost completely gone and my neck pain was diminishing more and more with time (manageable on most days now). This has been the longest period of time that my thyroid has ever been regulated!
Read More About Chelsa’s Experience
– Chelsa C.
No Longer Suffering
When I first came into Inspire Chiropractic & Wellness Studio in March 2012 I was suffering from IBS, low energy, depression, menopause and pain in my neck/low back/low stomach. My symptoms were medically severe. I had reached out for help with symptoms visiting gynecologist, gastroenterologist, kinesiologist, chiropractor and a massage therapist.
I went into Inspire Chiropractic & Wellness Studio with an open mind. After starting chiropractic care I was able to reduce or eliminate narcotic/over the counter pain killers. I found in to be all positive. Everyone is so happy and friendly and I loved the décor.The results have been fabulous! I was sleeping better after the first visit and it has been all uphill from there.
When asked I would recommend chiropractic to others who were sick, suffering, or in pain? I already do! Everyone I know, meet, speak to. Even strangers.
– Liz K.
Amazing Journey
When I came to Inspire Chiropractic & Wellness Studio I was suffering from migraine headaches, pain between my shoulders, and lower back issues. My symptoms were so severe I was depressed and on medication due to the 24/7 pain. I had been treated by a neurologist but was not able to stop taking the medications for pain.
I had doubts that chiropractic could help me. I figured all they would do is crack bones into place. Within the first two sessions I was able to stopped taking narcotics, sleeping pills, and muscle relaxers. The positive energy and love Hannah, Dr. Rob and Dr. Lisa have is so exciting. They really want to help and see the difference in you along this amazing journey.
I would 100% recommend chiropractic to others that are suffering, sick or in pain. This is life changing and doing in natural is the way it should be! My children (ages 5-9) also go to see Dr. Lisa, a lifesaving chiropractor for back pain, as well as overall health improvements.
Inspire is more than chiropractic. It’s an “all” health self-improvement clinic. It’s taken me to a higher place where I know I am going to feel and look like a healthier being. The team has so much to offer. I cannot say thanks enough!
– Roni H.
Every Treatment Provides Better Results
I have suffered with degenerated compressed disc in my lower back with shooting pain up spine, back spasms and aching lower back for years. I could not stand in one spot for too long, sit on soft chairs or bend to do any garden work.
I was nervous about going to a chiropractor and unaware of the technique Dr. Lisa uses. I know my condition is not curable but my pain and discomfort can be made more manageable. When I first came into inspire I was greeted by Hannah. She was very friendly and welcoming. Dr. Rob gave me a tour of the office and informed me of what they offered. I was very impressed with the scans and how they showed my problem areas as well as other problem areas I was unaware of until Dr. Lisa adjusted them. Dr. Lisa’s gentle touch treatments, to soft relaxing music are amazing. They are definitely not at all what I expected from a chiropractor. By the time my treatment is over I have melted into the table and am so relaxed I don’t want to get up!
I have stuck with my care after my extended health coverage ran out and I am so glad I have. Every treatment is better with better results. I would and have recommended chiropractic to others who are sick, suffering or in pain.
– Joy D.
My Baby is Thriving
Being a mother of four everyone seems to think that you have it all together and that you should know all the answers to how to raise children. You should enjoy every moment with your children from the first moment that they were born to the day that they leave the nest. My youngest who is 2 months today came flying into this world (literally) as I just made it to the hospital as he was born. I was so happy and could not wait to have him here to be part of our family. My other three boys were so happy to have another little brother.
The first 24 hours in the hospital all was fine but it wasn’t until after we got home that the issues began. My little baby would eat and eat but when it came to pooping he would go days without and when he did it was not normal looking. I spoke with my midwife about it and also doctors. He was in so much pain that I couldn’t put him down and so he would sleep on my chest bunched in a ball for very little time. I was losing sleep and patience as my little one was in so much pain. I knew there had to be a natural answer!
Read More About Melissa’s Experience
I wish that I would have known better before he was born this way and I would have been able to enjoy every moment rather than cry every evening because he was in so much pain. I will never be able to be able to repay Dr. Rob and his staff for what they have done for me and my kids.
– Melissa D.